
How to get unstuck and create a breakthrough?

by: CareerLifeChoices

Kris is a counselor & owner of Career Life Choices – a counseling practice in Arlington Heights, IL.

Many people come to therapy seeking a solution to a long-standing issue they’ve struggled with. But when do you decide that enough is enough? Often, this moment comes when you feel frustrated enough, depleted, or overworked, and you’re no longer willing to tolerate the pain or limitations. Even when you’re ready for a breakthrough, it’s natural to feel attached to old, familiar patterns, even if they no longer serve you.

What Is a Breakthrough?

A breakthrough is when you accomplish something outside your comfort zone, something that feels unfamiliar. It could be related to your career, health, changing a relationship, or breaking the habit of overworking. It might involve letting go of something you’ve been holding onto for a long time.

Or it could be the moment you recognize that time is running, and you finally take a risk to break the old patterns and limitations, and begin something new.

As human beings, we’re creatures of habit. We develop patterns of thinking and behaving that often go unnoticed until they lead to our current struggles. So, as you reflect on your challenges, ask yourself: What patterns have contributed to this? How have these patterns served you?

Most of the time, we are unaware of our internal motivations until we realize that our reactions or ways of navigating life are no longer working. The first step toward change is recognizing what needs your attention.

Visualize your Breakthrough

Start by dedicating some time for self-reflection. Find a space where you feel at ease and grounded. Personally, I like to begin with meditation and a cup of tea, or sometimes yoga and stretching that helps me connect with my body. From this calm state, journal about the breakthrough you desire.

Release any constrains and visualize the change you desire.

Can you visualize your breakthrough – how does it look like and how does it feel like? What do you want to create and experience?

Address Inner Blocks. How do you shift your mindset?

Recognize the parts of you may resist change or feel scared or skeptical about a positive future. We all have parts of ourselves that are excited and curious about new possibilities, while other parts feel anxious, fearful, or stuck in the past. These doubts can be powerful, and unless we acknowledge and understand them, they can sabotage our progress.

Be mindful of the parts of you that hold negative beliefs—those voices that say, “I’m not old enough,” “I’m too young”, “I am not smart enough,” or “I’m not ready yet.”

Ask yourself where these negative messages are coming from—are they echoes of past experiences or critical parental voices? Even when facing past disappointments or setbacks, there’s always wisdom and growth to be found.

What New Beliefs Do You Need to Adopt?

Perhaps it’s about finding courage and reconnecting with your inner strength. Tap into your inner wisdom and trust in your ability to create positive change.

Cultivate an empowering inner voice and practice the following:

  • I am good enough just as I am.
  • I am worthy and deserving of…(love, kindness, respect, etc.)
  • May I love and accept myself just as I am.
  • I trust my inner wisdom and strength.

Think about a mentor or teacher who believed in you:

  • What qualities did they see in you? How can you reinforce those qualities within yourself

Integrating the Different Parts of You

Most importantly, how can you integrate the different parts of yourself that sometimes have opposing views or motivations? It’s not about pitting masculine against feminine or day against night. It’s about harmonizing those energies within you to create balance.

A breakthrough isn’t necessarily about making sudden, drastic changes. It might be as simple as establishing a new practice, making a meaningful connection, or taking one small step each week. This process requires honoring where you are now, while holding space for where you want to be.

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” – L. Hay

As a therapist, Kris Kirilova offers confidential therapy assisting with stress management, career burnout, life transitions, and providing practices to recover, heal, and prosper.

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