How to cope with the unexpected?

How to cope with the unexpected?

Let’s face it unexpected events can make us stressed, uncertain, and question the path we are on. Even positive changes can bring some excitement but also adjustment and new challenges. So whether this is a positive change – a birth, promotion to new city or...
Midlife: 6 Ways to Improve your Mindset

Midlife: 6 Ways to Improve your Mindset

Midlife has arrived, bringing with it a mix of unease and tension as you contemplate the next chapter. The realization that the clock is ticking becomes more real, along with the awareness of dreams left unexplored and subtle changes in our appearance that leave us...
Relationship Issues at Midlife

Relationship Issues at Midlife

Relationships are so important for our well-being and joy in life.  At midlife, you may question if the two of you are a good fit, and if you made the right choices in the past. You may desire more fulfillment and deeper connection with your partner. You may feel...