
Counselor Q&A Section: Searching for a fulfilling career

by: Kris Kirilova

Kris is a counselor & owner of Career Life Choices – a counseling practice in Arlington Heights, IL.Kris is a counselor & owner of Career Life Choices – a counseling practice in Arlington Heights, IL.

Dear Counselor,

I have had a few jobs after graduating from college but I have not found my passion(s) and place yet. I tried out different positions in different fields but none provided satisfaction and a sense of purpose I am looking for. I feel stuck and lost finding a career that is aligned with my interests, and I do not know what or where to search next. Can you help?

It sounds like you have tested a few different jobs and possibly fields that left you feeling disappointed and depleted. If you are in a job that doesn’t align with your values and preferences, you are likely to feel drained and unhappy. I wonder how long you kept these positions for, and what you learned from these experiences. What is getting in the way of your professional success?

Some people will recycle through a few jobs similar as to engaging in multiple relationships until some serious disappointment or crisis occurs. You don’t have to wait for a crisis to happen to do some self-discovery, career planning and exploration to learn more about yourself. Finding a fulfilling career means finding yourself, understanding your gifts and preferences, and a place to give and express your talents.

My suggestion is to bring more self-awareness and assess your personal needs and unique gifts. Stop and reflect on your experiences, who you really are, and figure out what would bring more meaning to your life.

It is important to know where you are going instead of sailing without a compass or direction. Start a career portfolio, and write about your accomplishments and strengths. What are you proud of – personally and professionally? Create a vision board with your dreams and ideals. Focus on stories that would bring more confidence, optimism and hope. Finally, check out this comprehensive article on how to choose a fulfilling career.

As a career counselor and life coach, it is my goal to empower client to create new identities, re-align their work with their talents, and create new chapters of their life. I believe work often provides some meaning in person’s life and self-actualization to feel whole.

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